- World Packaging Organisation -IOPG Training-of-Trainer Workshop on the Fundamentals of Packaging Technology (March 2020).
- Annual Packaging Innovation and Research Challenge held in partnership with Royal Crown Packaging Limited, University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Ashesi University and Academic City University (2019, 2020)
- Training and consultancy services to Small and Medium Enterprises to add value to products and to access local and international markets (2003 to date).
- The IOPG with assistance from the International Trade Centre and funding from the European Commission trained 16 Packaging Trainers from Ghana, Uganda and Kenya to provide packaging and labeling solutions to SMEs and exporters to enable them to better access international markets.
- Trained Packaging professionals in Ghana for the award of Diploma in Packaging Technology organized in collaboration with by the Institute of Packaging South Africa (2010 - 2013).
- Built capacity of industry practitioners through provision of professional, short term and refresher training programmes in packaging (Ghana, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Niger since 2003).
- Started a course in Food Packaging for final year students of the Food Process Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the University of Ghana in collaboration with the Department (since 2007).
- Co-hosted the 1st Packaging Fair (“Afrik ‘Embal”) with APEX-CI of La Cote D’Ivoire with support from Pro-Invest as well as the first ever Ghana Packaging Awards dubbed “Ghana Star Packaging Awards”. This was followed with the joint holding of a Print Exhibition with Production Plus in Ghana (October, 2005).
- Set up a Packaging Reference Library with books donated by the Greek Packaging Association, ITC, the University of Ghana and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.
- Acquired a Cape Pack Packaging Design Software and “state-of-the-art” ATIOS Packaging Design software provided by EU/Pro-invest for the training of packaging designers.
- Presented entries from Ghana for WPO’s World Star and Students Packaging Awards out of which four student entries and three Ghanaian companies won World Student Star Awards.
- Supported the development of appropriate packaging for handling storage and distribution of food crops to minimize post harvest losses.
- Implemented BUSAC-funded project on Enhancing National Productivity through Efficient and Effective Packaging (2011).
- Undertook Situational Analysis Study on the Policy, Regulatory and Enforcement Framework on Packaging in Ghana (2011).
- Conducted research and published a Ghana Packaging Directory and hand books on Packaging with assistance from ITC.
- Hosted the first-ever WPO Board Meeting and Packaging Awards Ceremony (World Star) as well as 1st Ghana Packaging Awards in Ghana (May 2008).
- Through collaboration with the India Institute of Packaging, packaging professionals from Ghana participate in packaging training programmes in India (since 2003).
- Arranged study tour of European Packaging Institutions and participation in a packaging fair for 20 Ghanaian packaging converters with support from EU/Pro-invest.
- Championed National Campaign Against Counterfeiting, Piracy and Illicit Trade (2008 –2010).
- Contributed to the formulation of National Packaging Standards to ensure product safety.